My personal dotfiles. I use chezmoi to manage them.
|-- bin
|-- config
|-- dot_oh-my-zsh
| `-- custom
|-- dot_ssh
|-- dot_vim
|-- git-hooks
|-- git-template
| `-- hooks
|-- install
|-- macos
|-- misc
`-- shell
, inclusive of:
Please Fork the Repo before use it!
Run the following command in your home directory to install them:
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply --ssh {your github user name}
Feel free to create an issue on this repo if you have any questions about them.
There are some encrypted files in this repo. You may find a hint in the README of the specific folder.
chezmoi status
chezmoi diff
chezmoi update
chezmoi edit ~/.ssh/config
chezmoi doctor